Lazarev Mikhail Petrovich (1788-1851)

Lazarev Mikhail PetrovichRussian navigator, discoverer of Antarctica, admiral, commander of the Black Sea Fleet. He was born in the city of Vladimir in the family of the governor. In 2004, a memorial plaque was installed in Vladimir on the wall of the house, where M.P. Lazarev was born and lived in the period 1788-1797 (Bolshaya Moskovskaya St., 26). According to the idea of ​​the sculptor Igor Chernoglazov, the memorial board was made angular: one half leaves on B. Moskovskaya  Street, and the second looks at Georgievskaya Street. The sloop "Peaceful", on which M.P. Lazarev discovered the white continent, as well as a sea map and a portrait of the navigator are depicted on the board.