Erofeev Venedikt Vasilyevich (1938-1990)

Erofeev Venedikt VasilyevichRussian Soviet writer, playwright and essayist.  Several years of his life as well as his main work – "Moscow-Petushki" – were connected with the Vladimir land. Four years after the deduction from the philological faculty of Moscow State University (for missed classes on military training) Venedikt Erofeev in 1961 entered the philological faculty of the Vladimir Pedagogical Institute. Although he received an increased scholarship for academic achievement, but a year later he was also expelled – for keeping the Bible in the hostel's night table. Venedikt Erofeev changed many jobs, including the work of a stoker in Vladimir. His poem "Moscow - Petushki" (1970, officially published in the USSR only in 1988) gained world fame. Thanks to it the town of Petushki of the Vladimir region entered the Russian cultural context. Venedikt Erofeev lived no more than two years in Petushki, for the first time – in 1959, when he worked as a loader in a cement warehouse. Contrary to the widespread misconception, there is no monument to the writer in the town. However, a small museum of V. Erofeev was created in Petushki (Sovetskaya Square, 3). On the building of the Philological Faculty of the Pedagogical Institute in Vladimir (now – VlSU), near the Golden Gate, there is a memorial plaque to the writer.