Bagration Pyotr Ivanovich (1765-1812)
An outstanding Russian commander, prince, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. He often visited the estate of the princes Golitsyn in the village of Sima, Yuryev-Polsky district. After a severe wound in the leg during the Battle of Borodino, the general was transported to Sima for treatment, where he died of gangrene after 17 days. Bagration was buried in the Epiphany Church in Sima. Twenty-seven years later, in 1839, on the initiative of the poet-partisan Denis Davydov, the ashes of General Bagration were transferred to the Borodino field. On the site of the original burial of P.I. Bagration in Sima in 1963 a memorial plate was installed. In 2012, to the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812, here they erected a bronze bust to an outstanding commander. At present, in the main building of the Golitsyn estate in Sima, there is a small people's museum dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 and P.I. Bagration.