Stoletov Alexander Grigoryevich (1839-1896)
Russian physicist who made discoveries in the field of electromagnetism (he obtained a magnetization curve for iron), a photoelectric effect (he discovered the first law of the external photoelectric effect – the Stoletov law), gas discharge studies, and gained worldwide fame. A.G. Stoletov was Honored professor at Moscow University, where he organized the first Russian physical training and research laboratory. He participated in major international congresses and was a member of many academic societies in Russia and abroad. A.G. Stoletov was born in Vladimir in a large, not wealthy, but educated merchant family. He graduated from the Vladimir Men's Gymnasium with a gold medal and without exams entered the physics and mathematics faculty of Moscow University, giving rise to his brilliant scientific career and achievements. Not having his own family, A.G. Stoletov maintained relations with his brothers and sisters, constantly helped their families, regularly came to his native city. He was buried near his relatives in Vladimir at the Prince-Vladimir cemetery. The bust of A.G. Stoletov is located on the facade of the old building of Vladimir State University at the Golden Gate. In 2009 the name of A.G. Stoletov and his brother, the outstanding commander N.G. Stoletov, was assigned to VlSU. Life and scientific achievements of A.G. Stoletov are reflected in the exposition of the Stoletovs Memorial House-Museum in the center of Vladimir on the street named after the Stoletov Brothers (Stoletovs st., 3).